Longrich Business Plan

Longrich Worldwide Compensation Plan

Longrich Worldwide Compensation Plan - 4 Bonuses, 3 Incentives(All bonuses are paid in US Dollar.)
1.  Bonus # 1: Performance Bonus
2.  Bonus # 2: Development Bonus
3.  Bonus # 3: Leadership Bonus
4.  Bonus # 4: Repeat Order Bonus
5.  Incentive # 1: Worldwide Incentive - 2.5% (Travel 1%, Car 1%, House 1%)
6.  Incentive # 2: Platinum VIP Incentive - Sharing of 1% of Worldwide PV.
7.  Incentive # 3: Star Director Worldwide Incentive.

Longrich simultineously runs 2 types of plan in its Compensation Plan:

1.  "3 x Infinity Matrix" Plan

2.  Uni Level Plan

"3 x Infinity Matrix" PlanLongrich using "3 x Infinity Matrix" Plan, means you can only sponsor a maximum of 3 frontline distributors and you have the potential to earn commissions of unlimited depth (width x depth).

Because there is a limited width to this compensation structure, up to three frontline, members are encouraged to assist their downlines to help their organisation grow. Additionally any new recruits that are sponsored after your frontline is full must be positioned under one of your existing downlines. This process is commonly referred to as “spill over”. The main advantage of this concept is that it creates an element of team work where some members within your organisation can work together and mutually benefit.